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June 13, 2015

How to track page wise Adsense earning using Google Analytics?

  6/13/2015 No comments

Did you you ever think how much your website earn through traffic coming from
Facebook or Twitter any other referrals.It is very much important to
understand which is the top traffic sources of Adsense income to your website .
Although we can easily find earnings from top countries,earnings from top channel(like
Mobile platform or Desktop or Tablet) through Google's adsense earning page.

The image displayed above depicts how much earning made from different referrals
along with Adsense CPM and Adsense page impression.
Did you ever think which is your best webpage that Facebook users always visits?
How much that page earned through your company's Facebook page? How much
pie your website added from twitter referral or Reddit referral or any other source ?
Are you curious to know how can you track earnings from referral other than traffic
coming from Google search ? The answer is Google Analitics.

Google analytics is one stop excellent platform to track all the information such as
details about real time active users,details about your site audience,website's
performance,adsense referral details and many more.
How to find adsense earning form referral  like twitter,Facebook or Reddit?
Here I'm gonna show step by step guide to link your website or blog to Google
analytics and then fetch Adsense referrers .

#1. Login to Google analytics using your existing google account if you do not have
google account then you can create a new one.

#2. Once you log in successfully, you need to sign up for the analytics service for
your website,its free.

#3.Enter information about your website or blog .Information such as account name,
Website Name,Website URL, category of website and reporting time zone.

#4. Once you entered all the required detail you click on 'Get Tracking ID' button.
Tracking ID is a unique code(like 'UA-41680615-1')generated by Google for your
website that shall be embedded into your tracking code.

#5.Now the tracking code has been generated for your website ,copy the java script
code as highlighted in image below .You can paste the code in the web page that you
want to track Adsense earning data.You can also track all the web page's tracking
by just inserting the code just before to your website's </BODY> tag.

#6.Once you inserted code snippet then you must allow Google to collect data for
some time,because initially no analytics data has been recorded for your site.The
day you paste the code  then only analytics data starts generating.
Now to see reports about adsense referral go to home page and select
'All Web Site Data'.

#7.Select 'Behavior' for menu that is available at the bottom left.
#8. Once you click 'Behavior' option it shall display sub menu .Click on 'Adsense' sub

#9. Now upon click 'Adsense Pages' you can see earning related to each pages of 
your web site.Clicking upon 'Adsense Referrers' you can find data adsense earning 
through different referrers across your site.

#10. A sample Adsense earning stats through various referrers has been displayed in
image below.

Similar sample image displayed below for page wise earnings.In adsense pages ,you 
can see which page of your site has earned how much 'Adsense Revenue',how many
clicks got the page and adsense impression etc.

Author: Vikas Pandey

He is a software and web developer working for renowned European investment bank.He loves to share knowledge through blogging whatever he knows and encourages others as well to share the same to make world a better place to live.


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