It has now become a trend to use smart phone like Android,iPhone,Windows or
BlackBerry etc. and people loves to use phone as multitasking device.Surfing web,
listening to music and lot more at the same time.According to Google report most
of the search traffic come through high end mobile devices and the trend of using
desktop is going down drastically.
.. Gone was the day when people used to go to internet cafe or open desktop to find
any information over internet.Technology has advanced and has made information
access more easy.With this consideration we always use smart phone's browser to
get any information over search engine like Google or Bing or Yahoo etc.
Do we bother any time that whatever we are searching is being tacked or monitored
by someone or some device ? answer is simply No.But the fact is unless we make our
phone's browser alert our search history data is used by smart ad agents to display
advertisements related to our search .
Now the question is, how to do the setting so that our browsing history data is not
expose to anyone?
Also See : How to Turn off Camera shutter sound in Smart phone ?
Most of the modern smart phone's browser provide a facility called "Do Not Track"
with which user can set it "ON" to make better privacy.
Following steps has been mention here(considering Chrome Browser for Android) to
set DNT 'On':
Step 1: Open your phone's browser .
Step 2: Click on browser Settings.
Step 3: Click on Privacy option
Step 4: Click on 'Do Not Track' option in Privacy setting window
BlackBerry etc. and people loves to use phone as multitasking device.Surfing web,
listening to music and lot more at the same time.According to Google report most
of the search traffic come through high end mobile devices and the trend of using
desktop is going down drastically.
.. Gone was the day when people used to go to internet cafe or open desktop to find
any information over internet.Technology has advanced and has made information
access more easy.With this consideration we always use smart phone's browser to
get any information over search engine like Google or Bing or Yahoo etc.
Do we bother any time that whatever we are searching is being tacked or monitored
by someone or some device ? answer is simply No.But the fact is unless we make our
phone's browser alert our search history data is used by smart ad agents to display
advertisements related to our search .
Now the question is, how to do the setting so that our browsing history data is not
expose to anyone?
Also See : How to Turn off Camera shutter sound in Smart phone ?
Most of the modern smart phone's browser provide a facility called "Do Not Track"
with which user can set it "ON" to make better privacy.
Following steps has been mention here(considering Chrome Browser for Android) to
set DNT 'On':
Step 1: Open your phone's browser .
Step 3: Click on Privacy option
Step 4: Click on 'Do Not Track' option in Privacy setting window